The next morning dawned fresh and clean, with a rainbow appearing as we chanted “E ala e!”

What a wonderful time we had! Photographer Kenji Kuroshima was with us, documenting our journey through the history of hula. We visited wahi pana (celebrated places), stayed in an historic home, ate delicious island foods, learned to make lei, chanted, danced hula, and supported each other in our journey.
You can visit Kenjiʻs Hula Hawai`i blog to see more photos.
For information on future workshops and classes,
please sign up here.

Michelle Tomono is a gracious hostess, and serves tasty and nutritious breakfasts to her guests, giving them the energy to face Kumu Leilehuaʻs activity-filled workshop!

We also stayed at the historic Guard home and learned how people in Hilo lived 100 years ago.

Learn more about how to participate in the Pono ke Ala workshops at